The Signing Naturally Answer Key PDF is a valuable resource for students, providing accurate answers to workbook exercises and practice activities.

It is used by students, teachers, & individuals across various educational institutions to build fluency and cultural understanding in ASL.

Let us discuss everything with answers in detail…

All Signing Naturally Units Answers with PDF

The Signing Naturally series, a popular curriculum for learning American Sign Language (ASL), is typically divided into multiple levels, each containing several units.

Here’s a breakdown of the Signing Naturally units per level with answers :

Signing Naturally Units 1–6

Unit 1: Introducing oneself, exchanging personal information
Unit 2: Exchanging Personal Information
Unit 3: Talking about Where You Live
Unit 4: Talking about family
Unit 5: Talking about everyday activities
Unit 6: Storytelling

Signing Naturally Units 7–12

Unit 7: Describing people and Things
Unit 8: Making requests and asking for help
Unit 9: Talking About Family and Occupations
Unit 10: Giving Opinions and Tendencies
Unit 11: Discussing Life Events and Milestones
Unit 12: Storytelling and narrating events

Signing Naturally Level 2 Units 13–17

Unit 13: Locating things around the house
Unit 14: Complaining, making suggestions and requests
Unit 15: Exchanging personal information: Life events
Unit 16: Describing and identifying things
Unit 17: Talking about the weekend

Signing Naturally Level 3 Units 18–25

Unit 18: Narrating unforgettable moments
Unit 19: Sharing interesting facts
Unit 20: Explaining rules
Unit 21: Telling about accidents
Unit 22: Talking about money
Unit 23: Making major decisions
Unit 24: Discussing health conditions
Unit 25: Storytelling

So, in total, the main Signing Naturally series contains 25 units across the three levels.

Some editions or supplementary materials may include additional units or focus areas, but the core curriculum typically follows this structure.


Here are a few frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Signing Naturally series, along with their answers:

Signing Naturally Answer Key PDF official

Q1. What is the Signing Naturally series?

ANS: Signing Naturally is a popular American Sign Language (ASL) curriculum.

The curriculum is typically divided into units, but the exact number of units can vary depending on the edition and level of the program.

Q2. How many levels are in Signing Naturally?

ANS: The Signing Naturally series is typically divided into three main levels.

Each level builds on the previous one, gradually introducing more advanced language skills and cultural concepts.

  • Level 1: Units 1–6 & Units 7-12
  • Level 2: Units 13–17
  • Level 3: Units 18–25

Q3. Can I use Signing Naturally for self-study?

ANS: Yes, Signing Naturally can be used for self-study, especially with the workbook, DVDs, and answer keys.

Q4. Does Signing Naturally teach Deaf culture?

ANS: Yes, alongside language instruction, Signing Naturally incorporates lessons on Deaf culture and etiquette.

This helps learners understand not only how to sign but also how to interact respectfully and effectively within the Deaf community.

Q5. Is there an answer key available for Signing Naturally workbooks?

ANS: Yes, answer keys are available for the Signing Naturally workbooks.

These keys help students check their work and ensure they are grasping the material accurately. Just check us out for FREE answers.

Q6. How long does it take to complete each level of Signing Naturally?

ANS: The time it takes to complete each level depends on the pace of the course and the student’s commitment to practicing.

Typically, each level is covered over a semester in an academic setting, with consistent practice and classwork contributing to proficiency.

Q7. Is It Okay to Share the Answer Key PDF with Others?

ANS: Absolutely. You can USE the share buttons below.